Members of the organization Kunshan Nursery& Landscape Construction Association from Shanghai visited Vision’s Watsonville facility to try and gain an understanding of how green waste processing is handled. Their city Kunshan in China (a suburb of Shanghai) produces 45,000 tons of green waste every year and the government has mandated diversion rates to put organics back into soils. Good luck to Mr. Yu who has a clear vision and aggressive goals to get the job done!
Composting food scraps is a great way to minimize your weekly garbage load, produce a healthy humus for the garden and an opportunity to help municipalities divert precious material away from the landfill; especially during COVID-19 when many people are at home and food waste is piling up as a result. Once you have your system in place, the rest is easy. The size of your backyard and geographic location will determine the type of system you use. If you live in a country setting, something large like the first photo would be an ideal option. If you are limited with space or have neighbors we recommend a rotating drum that is self contained, does the mixing for you and usually produces a nice soil quickly. Shavings or ground up Vision Recycling Wood Fines work well as a bulking agent to absorb the moisture.
Over the last few months, Victory Gardens have sprung up as a result of the Shelter In Place order & COVID-19. Newsletters across the nation are spotlighting them. The history behind the gardens started during World War I when a severe food crisis emerged in Europe as agriculture workers were recruited into military service and farms were transformed into battlefields. The burden of feeding millions of starving people fell to the US. In 1917 Charles Lathrop Pack organized the National War Garden Commission to encourage Americans to contribute to the war effort by planting, fertilizing and storing their own fruits and vegetables so that more food could be exported to our allies.
Now, in 2020 Americans who have been confined to their homes since mid-March have turned to their gardens for exercise, family activity, healthy produce and fun. The term Victory Garden has been trending lately on social media and in our industry to rejuvenate the idea. Using Compost is an essential ingredient to a successful harvest, providing nutrients and organic matter to replenish tired soil. Just a 5% compost to soil ratio or more will help your garden flourish. Call us to find out about pricing and delivery of our Organic compost to your garden. 510-429-1300 X205
During the rainy winter months, apply mulch as a ground cover which will protect the soil from erosion and retain moisture in the ground. Vision Recycling’s Wonder Mulch or Golden Blend are two inexpensive products for this type of application.